Neopaque 8 oz. / 240 ml
580 Yellow, Gelb |
581 Gold Yellow, Goldgelb |
582 Magenta, Magentarot |
583 Red, Rot |
584 Blue, Blau |
585 Turquoise, Türkis |
586 Violet, Violett |
587 Green, Grün |
588 Black, Schwarz |
589 White, Deckweiss |
590 Ochre, Ocker |
591 Russet, Rotbraun |
592 Brown, Braun |
Creating Pastels: You can mix #589 Neopaque White into any other Neopaque color to create pastels. Try mixing in a little at first and then adding more if you want to increase the effect.
Increasing Transparency: You can increase the transparency of any color by adding #579 Flowable Extender to it. The more you add the more transparent the color will be.
Increasing Transparency & Flowability: You can increase both transparency and flowability by adding up to 25% water. This will give you more of a watercolor effect.
They also mix beautifully with Lumiere, Textile Colors, and Dye-Na-Flow.
Application: Jacquard Neopaque can be applied with brushes, stamp pads, squirt bottles, screenprint and airbrush. For airbrushing thin with water up to 25%.
Fixing: After drying, Jacquard Neopaque must be set with heat. There are several ways to do it:
Ironing: This is the best method. Use a dry iron and iron on the reverse side on the appropriate setting for the fabric.
Dryer: Have the dryer on as hot a temperature as the fabric will take for about 35 to 45 minutes.
Cleanup: Promptly clean all tools with warm water.
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